Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Using Acronyms in Academic Writing - Proofeds Writing Tips

Using Acronyms in Academic Writing - Proofeds Writing Tips Using Acronyms in Academic Writing With the limited characters available on platforms like Twitter, we’re used to using acronyms and abbreviations in everyday communication. After all, â€Å"IMO ppl uz 2 mNE lng wrds† is much more concise than â€Å"In my opinion, people use too many long words.† However, in academic writing, improper use of acronyms can detract from the clarity of your writing. Thus, in this post, we cover how to use acronyms in a college paper. What are Acronyms and Abbreviations? Acronyms and abbreviations are both shortened forms of long terms or phrases. However, while all acronyms are abbreviations, there is an important difference: Abbreviations are shortened versions of words (e.g., when â€Å"Jan† is used in place of â€Å"January†). Acronyms are abbreviations where the first letters from each word in a phrase spell out a new word (e.g., when National Aeronautics and Space Administration is shortened to â€Å"NASA†). In addition, there is technically a difference between an â€Å"acronym† and an â€Å"initialism†. Acronyms are pronounced as a single word (e.g., NASA). But each letter in an initialism is pronounced separately (e.g., FBI). Since â€Å"acronym† is commonly used for both of these, we will continue using this term below. However, its worth remember that there is a difference! When to Use Acronyms The main consideration is clarity. To be specific, we shorten long technical terms to make our work easier to read, especially if theyre used repeatedly. For instance, writing â€Å"MRI† instead of â€Å"magnetic resonance imaging† is a good idea if use this term a lot since it’s easier to read. Apparently, this isnt suitable for a passport photo. If a term is only used once or twice, there’s usually no need to use an acronym. You should also avoid using too many abbreviations, since text dense with acronyms and technical jargon can be difficult to read. Introducing Acronyms If using an acronym, you must introduce it with full terminology in the first instance so your reader knows what it means. You can do this by giving the full term first and the shortened version in parentheses: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has existed since 1949. Once introduced, you can use the shortened version in place of the full terminology: The idea of NATO is to ensure security via a system of collective defense. To ensure clarity, make sure to use the acronym consistently throughout your document. This means you should not switch between the full and abbreviated versions of the same term. Introducing an acronym isn’t necessary if the term is in common use, such as with â€Å"laser† (originally short for â€Å"light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation†). However, even with well-known terms, providing a definition can be helpful, since many acronyms have more than one meaning. One example is the long-running battle for use of â€Å"WWF†, in which the conservation group grappled (pun fully intended) with the professional wrestling organization now known as the â€Å"WWE.† Although â€Å"WWF† is a recognizable term, defining it on the first use would remove ambiguity. It would then be clear that you’re discussing the â€Å"World Wildlife Fund† and not the former employers of Stone Cold Steve Austin. I will open a can of whoop-ass on any panda that gets in my way. An important distinction, were sure youll agree.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Singing, Slashing, Sweeney Todd Professor Ramos Blog

Singing, Slashing, Sweeney Todd Throughout the 19th century, the publishing phenomenon of the penny dreadful was in full swing. A penny dreadful was a cheap and popular form of serial literature that was being produced in the United Kingdom. This literature was predominately filled with gruesome violence and horrors that allowed the minds of Victorian readers to run rampant with curiosity. A byproduct of the penny dreadful was a character known as Sweeney Todd in a story called The String of Pearls (1946-47). Todd was a barber in a thriving barbershop on Fleet Street who was a neighbor to a woman named Mrs. Lovett, who colluded with Todd in the murder of several customers that would enter his shop. The character of Sweeney Todd has been adapted into many different forms since its debut. One of the most recent and popularized adaptations of Sweeney Todd is the movie Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) directed by Tim Burton. Through a further exploration of the two stories, it is possible to analyze Todd, not only as a literary character who has garnered a great deal of popularity, but also a monstrosity. By identifying the characteristics and story-based habituality of Todd, there can be a substantial amount of evidence that eludes to Todd being characterized as monster and how the story arch contributed to the development of Todd as a horrendous character. This analysis is derived by utilizing Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s monster theory and its multiple theses and applications to the story of Sweeney Todd. ​To begin, Todd will be analyzed by applying the first thesis of Cohen’s monster theory. Thesis one discusses the idea of the monster’s body as a cultural body. As stated by Cohen, â€Å"[t]he monster is born only at this metaphoric crossroads, as an embodiment of a certain cultural moment.† This allows the monster to create a sense of fear in the audience by prying directly at real-life events. By assimilating itself with real-life events, the relatability is further unlocked to the audience. In terms of Sweeney Todd, as a character, his monstrosity was also derived directly from the realities that were affecting the time. In terms of Todd, as a monster, he was monstrous because of the usually mundane nature of his job, twisted into a fearful false reality of a â€Å"Demon Barber.† It was customary to the time in London, as well as other parts of the world for men to go to barbershops to get a shave. Because of that it made the character of Sweeney Todd appear as a person whom one would not suspect to commit such gruesome acts. In regards to Mrs. Lovett, her character was an example of the indecencies that people may have been experiencing in terms of the food industry of the time. As discussed in an article by Rosalind Crone, called â€Å"From Sawney Beane to Sweeney Todd: Murder machines in the mid-nineteenth century metropolis,† Crone asserts that â€Å"Mrs. Lovett’s pies drew on concerns about the use of diseased meat in products for human consumption, and even more particularly, fears about the vulnerability of urban foodstuffs to corporeal contamination as a result of badly maintained sewage systems and overcrowded burial grounds† (Crone 19). That, to some degree, was why the story of Sweeney Todd was so well received. The stories ability to touch its audience and create a sense of cultural relatability clearly influenced its success in its time. That is just one example of how Sweeney Todd can be analyzed using Cohen’s Monster Theory, now it is time to look at Todd from the next. ​To continue in the analyzation of Todd using Cohen’s Monster Theory, it is important to highlight another one of Cohen’s theses. This is where it is paramount to look at â€Å"Thesis VII: The Monster Stands at the Threshold†¦of Becoming.† The reason why it is important to follow Thesis I with Thesis VII is because it allows a better comprehension of Todd’s development as a heinous creature. In order to fully understand his character, it is important to compare his character and reason for his monstrosity. In the original story, The String of Pearls, Todd is presented as a barber who has taken a man named Lieutenant Thornhill (who is believed to be Mark Ingestrie using a different name) as prisoner, as he comes into the shop for a shave. Mark is then forced to work for Todd in the vault and make pies out of his victims. The story continues by elaborating on all of the ways in which Johanna, Mark’s wife to be, proceeds in finding her belo ved Mark. Johanna does this by disguising herself as a boy, in order to, become an apprentice of Sweeney Todd, following the arrest of his previous apprentice, Tobias, and investigate the disappearance of her betrothed. Once Mark finally escaped the vault by using the lift that the pies are transported on, he gets to the pie shop where he reveals to the customers that Lovett’s pies are made of human flesh. This is where Lovett is then set to be arrested, but Todd has placed poison in her brandy bottle which causes her to die before being arrested. Todd is then arrested and hung, allowing Johanna and Mark to marry and live their lives happily together. This all allows for an interesting story, but the real root of the problem is that Todd is a murderer. Throughout the String of Pearls, the true motive for these murders is never clearly stated, thus leaving the audience to surmise which motive they believe is the most logical or to ponder if these acts were done merely out of m ere insanity. Todd murders people of power and wealth and robs them of their riches. Oddly enough, Todd does not appear to enjoy the killing or the riches, he kills almost emotionless and does so without remorse for his actions. His motives, however, are more heavily supported in the more recent rendition of the story. In Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Todd is given a more in-depth background that allows for a different level of sympathy from the audience than that of the Sweeney Todd in The String of Pearls. His murders are almost justified by a perspective that they are solely vengeance driven, opposed to the killing he does in The String of Pearls, due to what is simply assumed to be because of his insanity. In the new adaptation, most his murders all fall into the background as actor, Johnny Depp, breaks into song. They are depicted with all of their graphicness, but they all seem almost insignificant to Todd because they are not the person that he is longing to kill and finally get revenge on. In the film, the person that Todd is trying to get revenge on is a judge that wrongfully sentenced him to prison time in order to steal Todd’s wife and later on try to marry Todd’s daughter. This is the core reason why Todd is believed to have gone insane in the film.This adaptation of the story allows for the actions of Todd to be justified to some extent. Apart from the murder of the judge, however, it is still unreasonable to try to justify the other numerous murders he performs throughout the film in preparation for his long-awaited revenge. About midway through the film Todd has a scene where he and Mrs. Lovett are in his shop, just moments after he had a chance to kill the judge, where he explains that he is going to â€Å"cleanse† the world of what he believed to be â€Å"vermin.† That is where the film differs greatly from the original and allows the audience to sympathize and understand a deeper storyline in term s of Todd’s murders. ​Finally, the last Cohen’s Thesis VI can be discussed. Thesis VI discussed the fact that the â€Å"Fear of the Monster is Really a Kind of Desire.† The character of Sweeney Todd is an interesting monster in terms of this because in his different portrayals, the characterization differs greatly. That, however, is one thing that has drawn people to the story of Sweeney Todd and for that reason, why there has been several versions and adaptations of the story. The direct description from the original story follows as such: â€Å"The barber himself was a long, low-jointed, ill-put-together sort of fellow, with an immense mouth, and such huge hands and feet, that he was, in his way, quite a natural curiosity; and, what was more wonderful, considering his trade, there never was seen such a head of hair as Sweeney Todds† (Rymer). The character described in that quote was not at all translated to the film adaption, where the character of Sweeney Todd was portrayed by actor, Johnny Depp. The director of the film tried to portray Sweeney Todd as more physically desirable. This allowed for a more engaging portrayal that appeals directly to Cohen’s Thesis VI. This is depicted in the film throughout many different scenes where Mrs. Lovett is still drawn to Todd, regardless of the fact that he is murdering people and in a very dramatic scene even threatens her. Depp’s portrayal of Todd is a clear example of how the character was changed, in order to appeal to the audience and enhance the desire towards Todd. ​ To conclude, there is a plethora of information that exist in regards to analyzing and understanding Sweeney Todd as a monstrous character. The way Todd is used to touch on the cultural fears of the time contributed to the fear he garnered. Next, the character development in terms of how he came to be allowed the audience to interpret the monster that Todd is for themselves. Lastly, the way his characterization affects his monstrosity because the fear he receives from others is also directly correlated to his desirability. Todd falls directly into the category of psychopathic murderer and clearly fits well. Todd is a good example of a murderous monster because his killing, aside from the eventual murder of the judge, cannot be justified. Many other monster murderers that have existed in the past amass fear through the simple explanation that their killing has no reason behind it. So, in terms of that, Todd is a great example of a murderous monster. With that, Todd believed that he had the obligation to cleanse London of all of â€Å"vermin† that roamed the street. Todd’s demon-complex is another intricacy that is intertwined into the story that enables the character of Todd to be seen as a false prophet. Todd, in comparisons, is often paralleled with Lucifer/Satan in regards to them both being casted out and â€Å"return† with the hope of taking the souls of those whose time has come. All of those factors contribute directly to the quality of monster that Sweeney Todd is. For all of those reasons, it is clear to see that Sweeney Todd has been overlooked and should be considered just as monstrous as other murderous monsters such as Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, and Jason Voorhees. Burton, Tim, John Logan, Laurie MacDonald, Walter F. Parkes, Richard D. Zanuck, Johnny Depp, Carter H. Bonham, Alan Rickman, Timothy Spall, Cohen S. Baron, Jayne Wisener, Jamie C. Bower, Laura M. Kelly, Ed Sanders, Anthony S. Head, Peter Bowles, Stephen Sondheim, Hugh Wheeler, and C G. Bond.Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. , 2008. Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. Monster Theory: Reading Culture. University of Minnesota Press, 1996. Crone, Rosalind. From Sawney Beane to Sweeney Todd: Murder machines in the mid-nineteenth century metropolis.Cultural and Social History7.1 (2010): 59-85. Poore, Benjamin, and Kelly Jones. Introduction to ‘Swing Your Razor Wide’: Sweeney Todd and Other (Neo-) Victorian Criminalities.Neo-Victorian Studies2.1 (2008): 1-16. Rymer, James M, G A. Macfarren, Thomas P. Prest, Edward P. Hingston, and Albert Smith.The String of Pearls, Or, the Barber of Fleet Street: A Domestic Romance. London: E. Lloyd, 1850.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Playboy Approaching Singapore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Playboy Approaching Singapore - Essay Example While I don’t need to go to Playboy to get the latest topics of interest, I also believe that individuals or a culture shouldn’t be prevented from doing so. While this shows a sense of respect to culture, it also creates a question of how much control should be created over media influences in a given country. By releasing the ban on Playboy, there is also the ability to open media statements that allow the public to gather information that is diverse and timely from a broader perspective. The ban of Playboy is only one of several media publications which don’t have room in the Singapore culture. I have found that the controls over the magazine are creating continuous debates from those who want to get closer to nudity and to organizations that want to keep the doors closed. The problem is one based on the ideology of out of bound markers, mostly which implies sexual, political, racial and religious issues which don’t have an ethical or cultural relationsh ip to the culture. Bans made in Singapore are implemented through the Media Development Authority (MDA), specifically which justifies what is shown through the media. The authority is a branch of the Singapore government and has created a standard for censorship policies to uphold values and ethics in relation to the concept of free expression (Gomez, 2000). While the government, authorities and culture of Singapore holds values through the banning of magazines, a larger issue is at hand with the decision not to provide Playboy in the culture. I believe that the issue is based on control over topics which may not be considered ethical or which may be controversial. If there isn’t a magazine like Playboy, then how will free expression from various topics be heard? The problem isn’t with nudity it is with individual interest and to undress different areas of freedom. I believe the government and the MDA become forces which stop freedom of expression, exploration or a dee per understanding of the news, media and knowledge understood to the world. The problem then relates to individuals who can’t explore the full depth of nudity and Playboy statements. I think it is time for the controls and forces from the government and media to come down in Singapore. There isn’t a true understanding of whether sexual expressions are also a lack of value within society. The content in Playboy is considered controversial because of the nudity of women and what this may imply. However, this may not be considered morally wrong by some and implies a freedom of expression. I think that with exposure, there is also expanded awareness, changing beliefs and the ability to understand new lifestyles. By censoring the media, an entire culture is deprived from this awareness. While the ban on Playboy in Singapore is created through the government and MDA as a censorship for values, it does not provide a complete interpretation for the needs of society. The statem ent made through the institutions is one created with the ideology that media and information should be controlled according to what the government believes the values should be. More important, there is a withholding of knowledge and information that may provide those in Singapore with a different understanding or meaning to life. By withholding any type of media, there is also a censorship of freedom in terms of expression and exploration of society. I believe that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organisational Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Organisational Change - Assignment Example In most cases, the process of change is met by some sort of resistance because employees tend to uncertain about the new concept being introduced as its outcomes tend to be uncertain (Pardo del Val & Maartinez Fuentes n.d, p. 5). Change should be a gradual process that should focus on having all team members on board, but those that seek to maintain the status quo are usually outshined by the same. John Kotter, a leading thinker in management, asserts that an eight step model is the surest way for leading changes in an organisation with a high chance that the organisation that applies it assured of success. The eight step model will be discussed later within the paper so as to capture an in-depth analysis of the same. Resistance within an organisational setting is something that a leader should anticipate, meaning that being prepared for this is likely to influence the speed of implementing the changes desired. Once change has been implemented, managing it becomes the next task as poor management of change is likely to foster undesired results. In essence, the need to implement change results from the aspect of globalisation and new technology innovations made every day that seek to make business practices be more effective, which is what every business organisation seeks to achieve (Aquinas 2010, p. 244). The implication of this is that organisations should operate at their l ocal level but apply international strategies so that their products and services can go global which a concept that McDonalds understood well (Vignali 2001, p. 98). With this, the essay will delve into the perspectives of John Kotter on change, the three schools of thought on change and their relevance today. In an organisational setting, change management refers to the process of helping individuals and teams within an organisation to transition towards the future that that the organisation desires (Burgess 2004, p. 169). According to many, change tends to be deliberate and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Causes of the Civil War Essay Example for Free

Causes of the Civil War Essay There were several reasons the Civil War began. The north and the south had completely different views on some very important subjects.The north believed that slavery was not needed, but the south had needed slavery in order to harvest the crops. Also, new territories were being settled. Lastly, Abraham Lincoln was elected president. The areas of the United States had different economies. In the North, the economy was based on factories and wages. Everyday people worked in the factories. The South had large plantations, which grew cotton. The plantation owners needed the slaves to pick the cotton. They didn’t receive wages, but they were provided food and shelter. In the Midwest, wheat was the number one cash crop. It was harvested by a machine, so they didn’t need as many workers or slaves. These different economies caused divisions in the United States. Also, new territories were being settled. The South wanted the new territories to be admitted to the Union as slave states. This was to prevent the slaves from escaping into free territories. The North wanted the new territories to be free. Some people thought the new territories should have the right to vote whether they wanted to be free or slave. This is called State’s Rights. An agreement was reached called the Compromise of 1850, which lasted for three years. In this compromise, fugitive slaves were ordered to return to their owners. The abolitionists thought that they shouldn’t have to follow that law. Next, Abraham Lincoln said that slavery should be abolished. He was elected president and South Carolina immediately seceded from the Union. Then, six more states joined South Carolina and formed the Confederate States of America (CSA). The South felt that Lincoln would abolish slavery and take away their economy or their way of life. They also felt that each state had the right to vote on any law. More people died in the Civil War than any other war. The reasons for the Civil War were different economies, state’s rights to vote on laws, and the election of Abraham Lincoln as president.

Friday, November 15, 2019

I Want to Make a Difference :: College Admissions Essays

I Want to Make a Difference When I was in the third grade I came home from school and told my mother I wanted to be a teacher. When she asked why, I replied, â€Å"because I want to be just like my teacher.† To this day I haven’t changed my mind. I was fortunate enough to have been blessed with wonderful teachers in my elementary school years. If it wasn’t for them I might not have the desire to become an educator. I want to have this kind of impact on my students. I want to the teacher who makes the difference. I work at a day-care and absolutely love being with the children. I have taught many children to spell and write their names, learn the alphabet and colors, and tie their shoes. After helping a young child accomplish a â€Å"difficult† task and seeing how excited he is, makes me feel great. When I look at myself as being a teacher, I see myself practicing authoritarianism. I will know my content and teach it will. I will value my students as individuals, not as a group. My classroom will be run on a bell-to-bell schedule. There will be a meaningful assignment on the board for the students to do as they enter the classroom. When students are learning, the appropriate seating is necessary. I will assign my students seats, changing them often. For lecture, the students will be seated in rows and columns, in a circle for class activities, and placed in groups for group work. The classroom rules will be very distinct. The rules, along with the consequences when is one is broken, will be posted in a very visible place in the classroom. There are two rules in which I will insist upon in the classroom. They are to treat others the way you want to be treated and follow all school rules. My students will help me compose the other 3-5 classroom rules. Misbehaviors are always problems in the classroom, however I hope to have few in mine. If I see a problem starting, I will do my best to stop it before it continues.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Reading response on Communication Essay

For any effective communication, there must be understanding between the parties involved. This will therefore depend on the medium used and consideration of the barriers to effective communication. Students depend on communication to learn and when it is effective and inclusive, they get opportunities to grow and learn. In education, parents who are magnetic involve themselves in finding opportunities for their children. This is by involving the community at large and the administration to get opportunities for their children(Henderson, 297). Other parents are not concerned, which leads to inequality between the different children. Other families plan a teacher visit to the family, which increases unity and communication. When a teacher, parent and a student have a close relationship, they facilitate ample communication that leads to growth and opportunities. Accordind to (Mediratta, 32), for one to create opportunities that leads to growth among children, there should be a link between the outside of the school and the culture in the school. This is because the teachers do not understand the base the children are coming from especially in boarding schools. The power issue of the teachers goes down when the parents and their children mingles freely with the children which increases communication avenues. Poor families lack even the basic needs which make their students lack concentration due to the stress of their homes. This leads to inequality in the opportunities to children from richer families. Creating a link between the families and the general community leads to expansion of the communication network which leads to opportunities and growth. This addresses structural inequality and enables student from poor families learn and have good health. According to WARREN, (15), translation of important information to languages that learners understands leads to effective communication. Those who understands the foreign language have added advantage to those who can not. A barrier to translation is money to pay the translators and some parents lack the time to opportunity talk. In opportunity talks, the issue of freedom when talking is an issue due to distrust among members in the society(Zehr, 8). Relationships that can be trusted spread opportunities and this is true with parents who create friendship with their children’s teachers as they create trust between them. This is different from the parents who can not create this relationshipthat lead to disadvantage on their students’ opportunities. Organizing and planning for events for the school with older people with children improves their skills and confidence. This boosts their opportunities and improves their communication prowess unlike those who do not involve themselves in such programs. References Henderson, T Anne, Johnson Vivian, Mapp Karen, and Davies Don. Selection from Beyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to Family/School Partnerships. New York: The New Press, (2007): 296-301 Mediratta, Kavitha, Shah Seema, and McAlister Sara.Building Partnerships to Reinvent School Culture: Austin Interfaith. Providence, RI: Annenberg Institute for School Reform. Mark Warren, â€Å"Communities and Schools.†(2009):1-49. Print. WARREN, MARK. ‘Communities And Schools: A New View Of Urban Education Reform’. Harvard Educational Review 2.75 (2005): 1-40. Print. Zehr, M. A. Civil Rights Deal Signals Federal Push for Translation Services. Education Week, (2011): 30(3), 8-9. Source document

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Report of findings to the Community Health Department Essay

It has been brought to my attention that there may be an illness spreading throughout the middle schools due to a recent rise in student absences. In researching the recent absences, I’ve noticed that in 2 of the 4 middle schools, Truman and Jackson, there was an unusual spike in the absences of band students on May 20 and 21. I reviewed the school calendars and noticed that Truman and Jackson Middle School had a Battle of the Bands event scheduled on May 19. Interviews were conducted with some of the absentees’ parents, it has come to my attention that some of the band members likely went out to dinner after the event. I looked into recent health inspections of local restaurants available from the Health Department and there are several health violations at restaurants in close proximity to the schools. The school nurse also provided information that food poisoning symptoms can start within a day or two of eating contaminated food, which, based on interviews conducted, is when these students began seeing symptoms. After reviewing the available data from the health department and schools, I offer that the absences are most likely related to food poisoning and not a contagious illness such as the flu or other epidemic. There would be no need to alert students, parents or the community about an outbreak. Thank you, Joanna Aeschbacker Community Health Department Investigator ? After conducting my investigation, I would have to ask a few other questions to support my hypothesis of food poisoning being the most likely cause of the absences: When were the restaurants inspections conducted? If the inspections were done recently, then this helps support my hypothesis. If the inspections were conducted weeks prior to the event or after the event, the data provided from them I think would not be useful in supporting my hypothesis. Interviews were provided for some of the students, but I would like to interview as many as possible to ask: What symptoms did each absent student experience? I would want to know when the symptoms began to appear. If they all have similar symptoms and symptoms appeared around similar times, this supports my hypothesis. Did each absent student go out to dinner after the Battle of the Bands? If each student went out to dinner then this supports my hypothesis. Where did each student go to dinner? If the students did go out to dinner and went to a restaurant with health code violations, then this supports my hypothesis. Assuming each student did go to dinner at a restaurant with health code violations, what did each student eat for dinner at the restaurant? If many, or all of the students ate the same thing, then this would help support my hypothesis. ? Is the following statement a suitable hypothesis: â€Å"The Brentwood Indians basketball team lost the state championship because there is bad stuff in the stars happening with Mars in Aquarius†? Explain why or why not. I don’t believe this statement to be a suitable hypothesis. Astrology to me is more of a personal belief rather than scientific fact. Sure, there are coincidences that happen. Mars in Aquarius could mean disaster! But to base a basketball team’s performance on where the stars and planets are aligned is preposterous. There is no scientific data to back up this hypothesis; therefore it is not a suitable.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Research Paper on Childbirth Essays

Research Paper on Childbirth Essays Research Paper on Childbirth Essay Research Paper on Childbirth Essay Childbirth and Research Paper Ertelt, Steven. Mayo Clinic Doctor Admits Abortions Hurt Women, Cause Premature Births. Lifetqews. com. N. p. 20 Aug. 2009. web. 8 oct. 2012. The article was about how a mayo doctor by the name of Roger W. Harms wrote a factsheet on how abortions lead to premature births in pregnacies to follow abortions. Due to the vacuum, spoon, or other instruments used during the surgical procedure of removing the fetus, the cervix and uterus are often damaged. Due to a damaged cervix, premature births are more likely. Studies also show that premature babies have twice the chance of developing cerebral palsy than a baby born at full- term. This article is biased against abortions. The point of this article was to show the consequences women face when they have an abortion in later pregnancies. In my opinion, this article is reliable since the studies were conducted by a physician from Mayo Clinic, not Just an average Joe guy trying to get his two cents in. I would definitely use this article in my research paper. I will use it when I discuss the aftermath of an abortion. Once women perform the abortion, they think that the problem is gone. However, that is not the case. Other articles I have read discuss the depression and psychological affects of an abortion and the toll that has on the women. This article describes physical problems women can face after they have had an abortion. Ertelt, Steven. Mayo Clinic Doctor Admits Abortions Hurt Women, Cause Premature Births. LifeNews. com. N. p. 20 Aug. 2009. Web. 8 Oct. 2012. an abortion. Ert It, Steven. Mayo Clinic Doctor Admits Abortions Hurt Women, Cause an abortion.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

McDonald’s restaurants Essay Example

McDonald’s restaurants Essay Example McDonald’s restaurants Essay McDonald’s restaurants Essay In reviewing Subway’s recent economic performance, the restaurant franchise chain is confident in their day to day operation. Subway is still expanding and one day will they will outnumber the amount of McDonald’s restaurants. Subway’s purchasing power is high due to the 33,000 location within 90 different countries. (Subway) Cost Analysis The price for a sandwich from Subway is fairly stable across all 33,000 locations. A person can order the same sandwich form any of these restaurants. So no matter where in the world a person is they can still order their meatball sandwich. Normally a person can order a sandwich, chips, and drink for less than ten dollars. Demand Analysis The demand for fast food has risen throughout the years. McDonald’s is the largest fast-food chain followed by Subway. Subway offers fast-food services with healthier alternatives. As people are short on time to get food, they are also demanding a healthier lifestyle. Subway has answered the call, The Subway ® chain is doing this through a variety of tactics, including the 8 subs with 6 grams of fat or less and other low-fat choices; a family marketing strategy; and an emphasis on unique qualities that make the chain stand out from other fast-food chains. (Subway) Competitor Analysis Subway faces several competitors, anywhere from small mom and pop sandwich shops to other large restaurant chains. Subway’s top three competitors are McDonald’s, Quiznos, and Yum! Brand Inc. Yum! is the largest fast food operator in the world in terms of number of locations, with more than 37,000 outlets in about 110 countries. The company’s flagships chains include KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Long John Silver’s, AW Root Beer, with 80% of their restaurants licensed to franchisees. (Yahoo) Action Plan Subway will keep doing what they are doing in order to become the largest sandwich restaurant in the world. With a growth of about 2,000 stores a year they will one day outnumber the number of McDonald’s locations. SUBWAY ® restaurants Franchise fee: $12,000 Start-up cost: $69,300 to $191,000 Basic royalty: 8% Advertising royalty: 3. 5% BLIMPIE* Franchise fee: $18,000 Start-up cost: $99,321 to $338,200 Basic royalty: 6% Advertising royalty: 4% BURGER KING* Franchise fee: $50,000 Start-up cost: $240,000 to $2. 5 million Basic royalty: 4. 5% Advertising fund: 4% COUSIN’S SUBS* KFC McDonald’s Franchise fee: $15,000 Franchise fee: $25,000 Franchise fee $45,000 Start-up cost: $200,000 average Start-Up Cost: $250,000 Start-Up Cost $432,000 to $715,150 Basic royalty: 6% Basic royalty: 7. 90% Basic royalty: 12. 5% Advertising royalty: 2% Service fee: 4. 90% Module 15 – DETERMINING ORGANIZATIONAL FINANCIAL RESULTS Revenue Sources In 2008, Subway made $926. 2 million dollars in sales. That is a 1. 9% sales growth for the sandwich shop chain. In 2008 they employed 700 employees working at their headquarters. They are expecting a 9. 7% growth within their work force. Due to the fact most stores are a franchise the profit margin varies from store to store because they are independently owned. Therefore each store must pay their employees from each stores profit instead of coming from a corporate office. (Doctor’s Associates Inc) Operating Costs Due to the fact most Subway restaurants are privately held by different individuals the operating cost varies from location to location. Generally speaking each store must pay 8% of their sales to royalty costs. The cost in which it takes to run the stores will include land or rent payments, the cost of raw materials in order to make the food, electricity, and any other services in which the store might need to be successful. Start-Up Costs In order to open up a new Subway restaurant a business will need $78,600 to $238,300 for their total investment. The initial franchise fee is $15,000 with royalties of 8%. The owner of the new store has to agree to the terms of agreement for 20 years. (Franchise Mall) Profitability According to Doctor’s Associates Inc they cannot promise any projected profit or return on investment for new Subway franchises. Doctor’s Associates Inc release this statement because there is no magic formula in order to make a Subway franchise be success. Although In 2009, Doctor’s Associates made $926. 2 million dollars in sales from their 8% royalties. That is a 1. 9% sales growth for the sandwich shop chain. It is hard to get an actual number on how profitably each franchise is due to the fact they are all independently owned. Location and the customer base are all factors on how successful each location is. ( Subway) Action Plan With around $300,000 a person can open their own Subway restaurant store. 8% of the stores revenue will have to pay back for royalties. To be very successful and make a nice living a person will need to own and operate several stores. There is money to be made and a market to be taken. (Subway) MODULE 16- MEASURING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SUCCESS Financial Gains The profitable Subway franchise will undoubtedly profit from our operations in Brazil. Merging Subway’s success with Brazil’s culture will be Subway’s primary interest. Economic Benefits Subway’s focus will be equal opportunity for males and females alike- the majority of Brazil’s workforce is made up of men who earn higher salaries. Social Benefits Expanding Subway’s franchise to Brazil will be the stepping stone to expanding in neighboring countries. Because Subway will be adapting Brazil’s culture into our products and services, we will be preserving and enhancing Brazilian culture. Social Costs Subway was founded in the United States, a country with values much different than Brazil. In fact, many American values are considered to be offensive in the Brazilian culture. We must closely monitor our company’s practices prior to expansion. References

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Outline and discuss the evolution of CSR (Corporate Social Essay

Outline and discuss the evolution of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), including its history, role in the financial crisis - Essay Example Among the many corporate strategies that have been adopted in the corporate world, to ensure both sustainability and profitability is the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which has gradually achieved massive popularity and significance in businesses world over. Corporate Social Responsibility simply refers to the manner in which businesses behave towards the society or conduct their affairs, in accordance to acceptable standards of operation; all businesses have an obligation to pay attention to, or to be responsive to social and environmental issues (Montiel 2008, p.245), rather than merely focusing on making profits. An understanding and integration of both societal needs and business needs is particularly important to business management in the recent times due to the increasing awareness of social challenges and the emphasis on social responsiveness. In that respect, Corporate Social Responsibility entails engaging in business practices and activities that promot e societal goals, thus, is one of the basic means of achieving competitive advantage in the complex and competitive global market environment. Historical background of CSR The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility dates awhile back in history and it has been in existence for more than a decade now, though its prominence and application in the corporate world is largely a present phenomenon for many corporations were not familiar with it until about the mid 1970’s. The pioneers of the concept observed that businesses ought to pursue policies and take decisions or actions that are desirable not only in terms of the objectives but also in terms of the values of society (Archie 1999, p.270). Initial academic debates that led to the development of this concept were the heated exchanges between Adolf Berle, who contended that managers were only responsible to their shareholders, and Merrick Dodd, who maintained that managers were responsible to the public as a whole and not ju st to the shareholders alone. Dodd further developed his contention by positing that besides the economic responsibilities owed to shareholders, managers have social responsibilities to the society as well; businesses serve a purpose in society and are not merely a source of profit to their owners (Snider, Hill & Martin 2003 p.176). Modern activist movements in the 1950’s and ‘60’s particularly in the US gave the debate a new momentum by turning media attention to business practices that they considered to be unethical or irresponsible, and in the wake of 1070’s focus had shifted to Corporate Social Responsiveness. This gave rise to yet another concept, Corporate Social Responsiveness, which refers to the notion that firms have to respond pragmatically to social pressures while paying considerable attention to their social obligations. A new development that took place in this era was the birth of modern corporate philanthropy, which involved corporations making huge donations for purposes not directly linked with immediate corporate profit. A further development in the concept was the shift from mere corporate philanthropy to strategic corporate philant

Friday, November 1, 2019

APA RESEARCH PAPER Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

APA - Research Paper Example It is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and significantly increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. The last two decades have witnessed an increase in health care costs due to obesity and related issues among children and adolescents. Childhood obesity is a global phenomenon affecting all socio-economic groups, irrespective of age, sex or ethnicity. Aetiopathogenesis of childhood obesity is multi-factorial and includes genetic, neuroendocrine, metabolic, psychological, environmental and socio-cultural factors. Many co-morbid conditions like metabolic, cardiovascular, psychological, orthopaedic, neurological, hepatic, pulmonary and renal disorders are seen in association with childhood obesity. The treatment of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents requires a multidisciplinary, multi-phase approach, which includes dietary management, physical activity enhancement, restriction of sedentary behaviour, pharmacotherapy and bariatric surgery. A holist ic approach to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic needs a collection of activities including influencing policy makers and legislation, mobilizing communities, restructuring organizational practices, establishing coalitions and networks, empowering providers, imparting community education as well as enriching and reinforcing individual awareness and skills. The implications of this global phenomenon on future generations will be serious unless appropriate action is taken. Keywords: Adolescents, children, dietary management, obesity, overweight Go to: Introduction Worldwide, disease profiles are transforming at a rapid pace catching the attention of medical professionals and policy makers alike. This is particularly true in low and middle-income countries that form the major chunk of global population. The emerging epidemics of obesity, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes form the crux of this phenomenal change. Among these entities, obesity has become a colossal epidemic ca using serious public health concern and contributes to 2.6 million deaths worldwide every year1. Obesity is an independent risk factor for CVD. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality as well as reduced life expectancy. The last two decades of the previous century have witnessed dramatic increase in health care costs due to obesity and related issues among children and adolescents2. For children and adolescents, overweight and obesity are defined using age and sex specific normograms for body mass index (BMI). Children with BMI equal to or exceeding the age-gender-specific 95th percentile are defined obese. Those with BMI equal to or exceeding the 85th but are below 95th percentiles are defined overweight and are at risk for obesity related co-morbidities3. Go to: Epidemiology Childhood obesity affects both developed and developing countries of all socio-economic groups, irrespective of age, sex or ethnicity. It has been estimated that worldwide over 22 million children under the age of